Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Don't Waste Your Pulpit

This Sunday, I'll be talking about "God's Glory in the Pulpit." I am a little overwhlemed as I think about all I could talk about. Here are some great words from John Piper.


Papa said...


I'm looking forward to hearing you speak this Sunday! Obviously, this concept doesn't apply to just preachers...

See you Friday morning.

Papa said...


I'm looking forward to hearing you speak Sunday. Obviously, this concept doesn't apply to just preachers...

See you Friday morning.

Mom B said...

AS your young cousin Grant once said in prayer time, "I couldn't have said more or less myself."

Grammy said...

Dear Grandson,
What words of wisdom those were! Your Gramps and I really enjoyed the video. he wants to know what the song was in the background, and who was performing it?
You are in our prayers.
Love you,
Grammy and Gramps